
DiBO on the RTLZ television programme 'Doe Maar Duurzaam'

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‘Doe Maar Duurzaam' is an informative television programme on the Dutch RTLZ TV channel in which various developments and innovations in the field of sustainability are discussed. Each episode of the programme focuses on a different theme. The programme covers various topics ranging from technology to agriculture, and from construction to the business world.

At DiBO we have a firm focus on green. Green, the colour of our machines, symbolises the energy-saving and environmentally aware way in which we at DiBO develop, produce and operate. For the programme on the subject of "technology", the camera crew from 'Doe Maar Duurzaam' visited our production facility in Arendonk.

High-pressure trailers are among the third largest sector in which CO savings must be achieved. So, our latest two developments, a battery-powered high-pressure trailer and a high-pressure trailer that runs completely on CNG gas are true technological feats from an ecology perspective. Both units were equipped with the new generation DiBO GreenBoiler-CNG. This environmentally-friendly burner runs on CNG gas, which reduces fuel costs while increasing your efficiency. The GreenBoiler-CNG also means very low CO emissions.

And with the installation of 318 photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on the roof of the new building in Arendonk, DiBO continues unabated on its course towards a sustainable future. In good weather conditions these panels will even ensure that we are fully self-supporting in supplying power for the whole company.

Watch the broadcast (S16E01):