DiBO S10
Cleaning innovation - Detail is our mission
The new roll-over DiBO S10 aims to meet everyone’s needs in terms of design, quality, high technology, efficiency and low maintenance.

Modern, clean, futuristic, dynamic and with clear features that distinguish DiBO washing roll-overs range..
Hi-Line claddings set-up looks to the future, meeting at the same time the needs of aesthetics and functionality.
At the front, two vertical LED walls mounted on the doors and one horizontal positioned on the top cladding give a high-tech and modern look to the classic communication system.
The graphic and textual representations of the washing phases, the functions of the positioning traffic light, the customizable communications, meet the needs of practicality, clarity and aesthetics.
The led vertical walls are available in different sizes.
Front and rear the Hi-Lights, luminous inserts on the top claddings, creep into the darkness for a sure scenic effect.

Flexus System - the vertical brushes inclination system (Patented)
The exclusive tiltable system of the vertical brushes on the front and back of the vehicles represents a new evolution in roll-over washes.
The inclination is motorized by inverter and synchronized with the movement of the roll-over itself; the perfect detection of the inclination of the various areas of the vehicle is guaranteed by the photocells’barrier scan.
At the front, it allows to perform the overlapping without stopping the towing and to synchronize it with the wheel washer, on any type of vehicle.
The inclination, in both directions, also allows areas under the front and rear bumpers, and on the rear window, until today something unthinkable.

High pressure pumps system. High pressure pumps system for an effective and accurate pre-washing. Flow rate at 42, 84 or 126 l/min. Storage tank. Available into insulated outdoor cabinet or mounted on frame for technical room.
Side HP with motorized oscillating nozzles, adjustable to 3 positions. For a better dirt removal from the side and from the front and rear parts.
Low lateral, in the foot, with motorized oscillating nozzles, adjustable on 3 positions. Om vuil onderaan de zijkanten, op de voorspoiler en in de wielkasten beter te verwijderen.
Volgen van de dakcontour met gemotoriseerde oscillerende sproeiers. High pressure on 360° rotating drying blade for more eff ective dirt removal.
High pressure opposite side to drying, to avoid unwanted dripping.

Washing function under rear spoiler
Detection of the position of the rear spoiler and related cleaning with high pressure contour following system.
(patent pending)

Orientable chemical dispensing
For better removal of dirt from the low sides, pre-slats and wheel arches.

Hydro-pneumatic group
- High-tech electro-valves controlled directly by Ethercat.
- Water valves pneumatically controlled
- Pneumatic dosing pumps
- 10 l modular chemical tanks

New generation electrical board
- Up to 8 inverters that manage 10 controlled movements
- Next Generation PLC
- Communication and data exchange by Ethercat

Rotax, the 360° adjustable drying blade
- High efficiency drying with electric fans at 1450 rpm/min, large flow rate and maximum silence.
- Upper conveyor in stainless steel to follow the profile, adjustable to 360°.
- 2 upper fans of 3 kW.
- 2 side fans of 4 kW.

Optional: Wheel washer oscillating lower hp nozzles
The presence of nozzles at the level of the wheel washers ensures an accurate and deep cleaning of the rims.

Thanks to the photocells’barrier it is possible to detect any vehicle shape, optimizing the touch of the horizontal brush and the pass of the drying blade. Direct serial connection with PLC.
- Detection accuracy of particular shapes
- Automatic detection of particular shapes vSkibox, flashing lights, Pickup, Taxi lights, Police lights, etc...
- Detection speed:
- First pass up to 20 m/min
- Fluidity of movement
- Drying blade and horizontal high pressure
- Horizontal brush

- Warning notice about loosening of the lifting straps.
- Anti-fall locking system of the drying blade and the horizontal brush.
Product specifications
- Galvanized and painted steel frame
- ABS claddings
- Direct roll-over towing by inverter
- High strength aeronautical riveting
- General fasteners in stainless steel
Vertical brushes
- Galvanized steel single beam guide
- Electric movement by inverter
- Rotation and electronic power control by inverter
- Overlapping on the front and back of the car
- Side inclination and locking by pneumatic cylinder
- Tow hooks safety
Horizontal brusch
- Electric lifting by inverter
- Rotation and electronic power control by inverter
- Stainless steel guides
- Fall arrest safety system
- Horizontal stainless steel blade to follow the profi le, adjustable on 360° by motorized control with inverter
- Electric lifting by inverter
- Stainless steel guides
- Side drying with 2 electric fans
- Fall arrest safety system
Standard equipment
- Hydraulic system with electro-valves and dedicated ramps
- Dosing pump for shampoo
- Dosing pump for wax
- Control terminal placed into a wall technopolymer box with 7” colour touchscreen display
- 7 inverters
- Self-Service predisposition fully integrated into machine electronics

The exclusive WaveTech system, thanks to the oscillating motion, simulates the manual wash, ensuring optimal results. The bristles rub cars’ body accurately and evenly, avoiding any washing GAP. This movement also generates a self-cleaning effect on the brush itself and a faster drying.
- greater power in washing
- delicacy and effectiveness on cars’ body for shiny results
- uniformity of washing
- attractive aesthetics/movement

Starguide-Wheel guide rails
Stainless steel wheel guide rails available in the following sizes: 6, 9, 12 mt.
The LED lights present on the wheel guide rails (green-forward, red-stop, yellow-backward), facilitate movements during the vehicle positioning phase. Multicolor LED lights accompany the entire washing cycle.

Multicolor LED night lighting
Emotional and theatrical effect, especially in the evening or in shaded areas, thanks to the multicolor LED lighting, which works also during stand-by position.

The Rainfoam arch creates a sensory experience during wash. A rain of foam covers the car evenly, waiting for the high pressure rinse.
The multicolor LED bar accompanies the entire pre-washing phase.