
Hygienic cleaning and disinfection of public facilities and other outdoor locations

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The new coronavirus, that causes the COVID-19 disease, has made people increasingly aware of their personal safety while they take measures to personally protect themselves against the virus. More and more people are staying at home to prevent infection and the spread of the virus. And when one does go outside, a distance of at least 1.5 metres is respected for social distancing. Masks and antibacterial gels are selling like hot cakes.

But we are not fully in quarantine. People are still using public transport and wait at stops and stations, they leave their bicycles in public bicycle sheds or take a short break on a bench during a walk. And with the possible easing of the corona measures in mind, schools, public playgrounds and other play areas, sports venues, etc. may also gradually be able to open up again. We must therefore already prepare for an increasing demand for fast and efficient ways to hygienically clean and disinfect public facilities and other outdoor locations.

DiBO can help here! Our DiBO SteamGREEN! high pressure cleaners with steam function (140 °C at a maximum of 30 bar) are perfect for use in achieving thorough cleaning and a high level of hygiene. Our cleaning systems are also economical as regards consumption, while they are extremely user-friendly and highly versatile.

Thorough and hygienic cleaning with steam

Steam cleaning is a fast, highly effective and environmentally friendly way to clean thoroughly. The high temperature (140 ° C) ensures that soiling is easily detached and that pathogens, bacteria and viruses are deactivatedScientific research into the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has shown that at an ambient temperature of 70 ° C the virus was no longer detectable after five minutes.* 

Steaming is also a very soft cleaning technique, where no excessive pressure is applied (maximum of 30 bar) and with little water being used. So this steaming method means the surface always remains undamaged.

The steam also penetrates all cracks, joints and unevenness in the surface, and the formation of aerosols is reduced because the steam bonds with the dirt and only low pressure is used.

So for thorough and hygienic cleaning it is important to:

  • clean at a very high temperature (140 ° C) and under low pressure
  • hold the nozzle of the lance as close as possible to the surface to be cleaned 
  • continue cleaning each area for a few seconds.

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